Preterite vs Imperfect

You have already learned the basic uses of the Preterite vs Imperfect tenses.preterite vs imperfect

The Imperfect is used to express a continuing action in the past.

The Preterite is used to express an action definitely begun and completed in the past, even if the particular action lasted for some time.

When describing events or situations in the past, Spanish speakers most choose between preterite and imperfect. The choice depends on the aspect of the event that the speaker wants to describe.

Learning to use the preterite vs imperfect correctly does not involve matching English forms to Spanish equivalents but rather paying attention to contextual clues that signal middle (Imperfect) or non middle (Preterite)

Some common adverbial expressions that accompany the Imperfect are:

  • Siempre: Always
  • Todos los dias: every day
  • Muchas veces: many times
  • Con frecuencia: frequently
  • De vez en cuando: Sometimes, from time to time

We use Imperfect tense: 

  • Emotions, mental states, and physical descriptions are generally expressed in the Imperfect.
  • Descriptions of weather, age, time and feelings are often included as background “circumstances” or “explanations”
  • Actions considered simultaneous are expressed in the Imperfect.
  • Ongoing action/ vague/ general is expressed in the Imperfect.
  • Habitual actions
  • Mental: attitudes, desires, emotional states.
  • Physical condition

Some common adverbial phrases that accompany the preterite are:

  • Anoche: Last night
  • Ayer : yesterday
  • Anteayer: the day before yesterday
  • Hace dos dias: two days ago
  • El año pasado: Last year
  • El otro dia: the other day

We use Preterite tense:

  • When a story is narrated, several successive actions in the past are expressed in the preterite.
  • Interrupting action is expressed in the preterite.
  • Isolated actions.


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