Spanish Imperative Mood: used to tell someone to do something- Easy learning grammar

We use Imperative in order to:

  • Give orders:  No te muevas. Don t move.
  • Instructions: Lave sus manos antes de comer. Wash your hands before eating.
  • Ask a favor: Compra el periódico.    Buy the newspaper.
  • Suggestions / advice:  Toma un vaso de leche y acuéstate.
  • Advertise a product or service: Visita Nicaragua.


The familiar (tu) command is always the same as the third person singular present indicative form of the verbs. Note the pronoun Tu is usually omitted with the command form.


Hablar: to talk

Pronombres          Hablar: To talk

Yo                     hablo-o

Tu                     habl-as

El/ ella              habl-a

Nos                  Habl-amos

Ellos                Habl-an

Some familiar commands of irregular verbs do not follow a rule and should be learned separately. The negative familiar command of these verbs is obtained by adding an “s” to the polite singular command

The followings verbs have irregular forms for the familiar command (tu) Affirmative irregular verbs

Infinitive Afirmative Negative
Decir: to say, tell Di No digas
Hacer: to do, make haz No hagas
Ir: to go Ve No vayas
Poner: to put Pon No pongas
Salir; to leave, depart Sal No salgas
Ser: to be Se No seas
Tener: to have Ten No tengas
Venir: to come Ven No vengas

The polite command of regular verbs is obtained by using the stem of the first person singular of the present indicative tense and adding the following endings:




Imperative- Negative forms

The formal command are formed by using the present subjuntive form of the verb. Note that the vowel of the subjunctive ending is the reverse of that usually associated with the particular conjugation; ar verbs have the vowel e. and ER and IR verbs have the vowel a.

As with the formal commands, the subjunctive form of the verb is used for all negative informal commands:

Hablar:  No hables

Comer: No comas

Escribir: No escribas

The familiar plural command (ustedes) is the same as the formal commands since in most Spanish speaking countries there is no differentiation between the forml and familiar forms in the plural.

The vosotros form is not used in latin America.

Exercise #1 Translate. Traduzca

  1. Show me the road.
  2. Wait until tomorrow.
  3. Don t run so fast.
  4. Don t close the door.
  5. Tell us the truth
  6. Pay us with a check.




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