World Remit is simple, safe, and inexpensive.
Here’s how to use World Remit to pay your Spanish lessons online or in person in Estelí, Nicaragua:
1. Go to World Remit (worldremit.com)
2. In the “Choose a country to send to” box, choose “Nicaragua”:

3. Select the “Bank transfer” option and click “Continue”:

4. On the “How much” page, first choose “Deposits to Bancentro USD accounts.” Then enter the amount you’d like to send and click the “Continue”:

5. On the “Create an account…” page, enter the information to create your account and click “Continue”:

6. Enter the “Recipient” information as below. Click “Next”:

7. Select “Debit/Credit card” and click “Next”:

8. Enter the credit or debit card you want to use and click “Pay”:

9. If you’d like a text message to confirm the transaction went through, click “via SMS’ toward the bottom.

And that’s it!
Next time you won’t have to enter so much information; you just log in, select the recipient, and enter the amount.
It’s very easy—and apparently secure as we haven’t had a single report of a problem so far.