Using World Remit To pay Spanish Lessons online

WorldRemit Logo

World Remit is simple, safe, and inexpensive.

Here’s how to use World Remit to pay your Spanish lessons online or in person in Estelí, Nicaragua:

1. Go to World Remit  (

2. In the “Choose a country to send to” box, choose “Nicaragua”:

Login Page for World Remit

3. Select the “Bank transfer” option and click “Continue”:

World Remit Transfer Choice

4. On the “How much” page, first choose “Deposits to Bancentro USD accounts.” Then enter the amount you’d like to send and click the “Continue”:

World Remit amount

5. On the “Create an account…” page, enter the information to create your account and click “Continue”:

World Remit Create an Account

6. Enter the “Recipient” information as below.  Click “Next”:

world remit instructions

7. Select “Debit/Credit card” and click “Next”:

World Remit payment method

8. Enter the credit or debit card you want to use and click “Pay”:

World Remit Credit Card

9. If you’d like a text message to confirm the transaction went through, click “via SMS’ toward the bottom.

World Remit Confirmation

And that’s it!

Next time you won’t have to enter so much information; you just log in, select the recipient, and enter the amount.

It’s very easy—and apparently secure as we haven’t had a single report of a problem so far.

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