por vs para

Difference between por vs para

Por vs Para: At times the selection of “para” or “por” can feel confusing or frustrating because you are trying to find a solution where one is not normally needed to translate the English “for.” When you are having difficulty determining which to use in your sentence, remember it’s also possible that:Por vs Para

  • Para or por might not even be needed in order to translate the sentence correctly.
  • The English word “for” might be implicitly included in the Spanish verb you are using.
  • The form [verb + por] or [verb + para] may be the required construction with particular Spanish verbs in order to create their meaning for this specific use. (In other words, the verb has the meaning it does in this case only because it is followed by para or por.)
  • Or lastly, perhaps the use of para or por in your instance is susceptible to regional differences, and the same exact phrase may mean different things in different countries (such as with “estar por” and “estar para”).

Examples of changing meaning with Por vs Para 

  • Juan compró un regalo para María. (Juan bought a gift ‘to give to’ Maria.)     Recipient of a thing
  • Juan compró un regalo por María. (Juan bought a gift ‘on behalf of’ Maria.)   Substitution of the doer of the action. 

Another examples:

  • Limpié la casa para ti. (I cleaned the house ‘as a gift’ to you.)        Recipient of an action
  • Limpié la casa por ti. (I cleaned the house in your place.)              Substitution of the doer of the action

Uses of Por vs Para


  • Destination    Este juguete es para mi hijo.    This toy is for my son. 
  • Purpose:   Necesito gafas para leer.  I need glasses in order to read. 
  • Time limit or deadline: Necesito el dinero para mañana.    I need the money by tomorrow.
  • Comparison of inequality:  Para niño, tiene mucha experiencia.
  • Opinion: Para mi tu opinion es importante. For me, your opinion is very important.
  • Capacity: Necesito una mesa para tres personas. I need a table for three.


  • Reason/ motive:
  • Indefinite time: Estudio por la mañana.    I study in the morning.
  • Means of transportation: Enviamos el paquete por avión.    We sent the package by plane.
  • Indefinite place:     Camino por el parque.       I walk around the park.
  • In exchange for:    Cambie mi carro por otro nuevo.   I changed my car for another new one.
  • Measure or number:   Ellos venden las naranjas por docenas.    They sell oranges by dozens.
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