Ometepe Island

Ometepe Island

Ometepe Island is divided into municipalities: Altagracia and Moyogalpa. This large island surrounded by the waters of the Great Lake of Nicaragua is 276 square kilometers. Its unique endowment of two volcanoes and a lush nature turn Ometepe into a natural wonder.

Its name comes from Nahuatl Ome (two) Tepetl (mount) and means “Place with two mounts or Volcanoes” These two masses of land are connected by the isthmus of Istian. It is part of the touristic corridor (Pacific coast beaches) and offers cultural tourism, ecoturism and soft adventure. According to documentary sources, two cultures arrived and settled in this island: onecame from Mexico and the other from Guatemala. Eventually they mixed with other tribes and reportedly inhabited the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua along with the Nicaraos tribe.ometepe island

Moyogalpa since colonial times settled on a former indigenous settlement. Native population then moved to the Eastern zone, now called Altagracia.

Ometepe island is endowed with two wildlife reserves in the vacinities of its volcanoes Madera and Conception.

The most adventurous tour is the trip to Maderas Volcano Lagoon rising over 1,394 meters. It is about trekking arduosly for 6 or 8 hours on a muddy and slippery path during the rainy season. You go through three types of vegetation: dry forest, rain forest and cloud forest. This is also a wildlife sanctuary for monkeys, birds, butterflies and many species that will take your breath away: the view from the crater is a unique experience. climbing up the Conception Volcano (1,610 meters high) is more complex as it is a steep and sandy ground. The vegetation up there is contrastive, but the spectacular view is worthy, you can see the whole island from that vantage position, even descry Chontales in the north side and Costa rica southward.

Remember to bring with you sun screen, a good pair of boots and plenty drinking water. Trekking usually takes six hours, even ten if you make it to the crater.

Is it possible to travel every day?

Normally is possible, but it would be better if you ask before. Many times in Nicaragua we have problems with transportation.


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