Indirect object pronouns Spanish

Indirect object pronoun Spanish

The third-person indirect object pronoun is LE in the singular and LES in the plural. Note that in the third person there is a definite difference between the direct and indirect object pronouns Spanish. The direct object pronouns are LO, LOS, LA, LAS. With the indirect objects pronouns Spanish LE, LES there is no gender differentiation. Because of this, a prepositional phrase often accompanies LE and LES to add clarity. Study the following:

  • Yo le hablo a el.
  • Yo le hablo a ella.
  • Yo le hablo a usted.
  • El les da los informes a ellos.
  • El les da los informes a ellas.

Indirect object pronouns Spanish: Le and Les

Note that the pronouns LE and LES are commonly used even if a noun object is expressed in the sentence.

  • Le di la carta a Maria.
  • El les mando los informes a sus amigos.

If you have doubts about Indirect object pronouns Spanish, please ask us.

Double object pronouns: me lo, te lo, nos lo

In many cases both a direct and indirect object pronoun will appear in the same sentence. When such occurs, the indirect object pronoun always precedes the direct object pronoun. Study the following:

  • Juan me lo dijo.                                  John told it to me.
  • Maria nos lo enseno.                         Mary showed them to us.
  • Juan te lo explico.                              John explained it to you.


Rewrite the following, substituting the direct object with a pronoun.

  1. Maria me mostró las fotografías.      Maria me las mostró.
  2. Ella nos explico la teoría.                    Ella nos la explico.
  3. Ellos te mandaron el paquete.           Ellos te lo mandaron.
  4. Ella nos dio la cuenta.                          Ella nos la dio.
  5. El me devolvió el dinero.                     El me lo devolvió.

Se Lo

The indirect object pronouns Spanish LE and LES both change to SE when used with the direct object  LO, LOS, LA, LAS. Since the pronoun SE can have so many meanings, it is often clarified by the use of a prepositional phrase.

  • El se lo dice a el. (He tells it to him)
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