Online Enrollment Form Spanish Online Enrollment Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Do you prefer Skype or Zoom? *SkypeZoomNo preferenceIf you don't have a preference, we recommend Skype for one-on-one lessons.Skype usernameIf we use Skype, you'll need a username. If you don't have one, it's easy to register on Skype.Your current Spanish level *Not sureBeginner (A1-A2)Intermediate (B1-B2)Advanced (C1-C2)Would you like to take a Spanish test to determine your level? *YesNoAlready took itWe recommend the Spanish Levels Test on this website.How many lessons per week would you like? *Choice 612345What time zone are you in? *GMT + 2 (Eastern Europe)GMT + 1 (Europe)GMT (UK & western Europe)GMT - 5 (EST in the US)GMT - 6 (CST in the US)GMT - 7 (MST in the US)GMT - 8 (PST in the US)OtherWhen would you like to begin? *Is there a particular type of Spanish you'd like to learn?e.g., travel and restaurant, conversational, construction, health care, social work, teaching, legal, charity, etc.Comments or QuestionsEmailSubmit Thank you! We’ll get right back to you to set up your Spanish lessons.