Nicaragua Holidays

Nicaraguan holidays are centered on Christianity, Easter, and the commemoration of events in Nicaraguan history.
1. anuary 1. New Year’s Day: No transportation and all businesses are closed. Many Nicaraguans celebrate at the beach.
2. April: Nicaraguans celebrate Holy week. Catholics celebrate nationally on the first Thursday of April. Normally there is no transportation.
3. May 30: Nicaraguan Mother’s Day: Normally no school. It’s a holiday.

4. June 23th Nicaraguan Father’s Day

5. June 29th Nicaraguan Teacher’s Day. No school.
6. July 19: Revolution Day: There is no transportation because the government uses all the buses in order to celebrate in Managua.
7. August 1 & 10 Managuan celebrate Santo Domingo de Guzman (Patron Saint) Festivals and horse parade in Managua, both days.
8. September 14: Battle of San Jacinto (1856). Celebrated on the national level. It is held on the anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto against William Walker.
9. September 15: Independence Day. A national holiday to celebrate independence of Central America in 1821.
10. October 12: Indigenous Resistance Day. Formerly Columbus Day. Highlights the struggle of native people against European colonialism.
11. December 7-8: Immaculate Conception: Celebrated nationally on December 8 and in Leon on December 7.
12. December 16: Anniversary of the city of Estelí. Horse parade the third Sunday of December.
13. December 24: Christmas Celebrated nationally and December 25 there is no transportation.
14. December 31: New Year’s Eve: At 12am Nicaraguans celebrate with fireworks.

A parade in Estelí, Nicaragua
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