Spanish Present Indicative: Regular & Irregular Verbs, Conjugation

Regular verbs

In order to form the present indicative of AR verbs the infinitive endings ar is dropped.  Add the following endings for the first conjugation (AR)

Infinitive Amar (to love) Hablar (to talk) Caminar (to walk) Endings
Root Am Habl Camin  
Yo Amo Hablo Camino o
tu amas hablas caminas as
el/ ella amas habla camina a
nosotros amamos hablamos caminamos amos
ellos aman hablan caminan an

In Latin America we never use vosotros.

Many of the most frequently used Spanish verbs belong to the first conjugation AR. Here is a list:

Verbs Meanings Verbs Meanings
Bailar To dance estudiar To study
buscar To look for invitar To invite
cambiar To change llamar To call
cantar To sing mirar To look at
cenar To dine nadar To swim
comprar To buy pagar To pay for
descansar To rest trabajar To work

Second conjugation ER

The infinitives of second conjugation verbs end in ER. In order to form the present tense of regular ER verbs the infinitive endings is dropped. Add the personal endings:

O, es, e, emos, en

Infinitive Comer (to eat) Aprender( to learn) Beber (to drink) Endings
Root Com Aprend Beb  
Yo como aprendo bebo o
tu comes aprendes bebas es
el/ ella come aprende bebe e
nosotros comemos aprendemos bebemos emos
ellos comen aprenden beben en

List of second conjugation

Verbs Meanings Verbs Meanings
Correr To run prometer To promise
comprender To understand ver To see
creer To believe vender To sell
leer To read meter To put


Regular third conjugation verbs

In order to form the present indicative of IR verbs, the infinitive ending is dropped and the personal endings: o, es, e, imos, en are added to the root.

Infinitive Abrir (to open) Vivir (lo live) Endings
Root Abr Viv  
Yo Abro vivo o
abres vives es
él/ ella abre vives e
nosotros abrimos vivimos imos
ellos abren viven En

Present Indicative- Irregular verbs

The following verbs are considered irregular in the present tense:

Tener: to have   poner: to put  hacer: to do      valer: to bring    salir: to leave.

Note, that the only irregular forms is the first person singular. All other forms are regular.

Infinitive Tener (to have) Salir (to leave) Hacer: (to do) Poner (to put)
Yo Tengo Salgo Hago Pongo
tienes sales haces pones
él/ ella tiene sale hace pone
nosotros tenemos salimos hacemos ponemos
ellos tienen salen hacen ponen

The following verbs have the same irregular form.

  1. Caer: to fall down
  2. Oír: to hear
  3. Traer: to bring
  4. Valer: to cost
  5. Venir: to come

Most verbs that end in CER- CIR are also irregular in the present tense. Only the first person is irregular. All other forms function as regular verbs.

Verbs Meanings Verbs Meanings
Conocer To know merecer To deserve
Ofrecer To offer parecer To seem
producir To produce conducir To drive
Aparecer To appear
Conocer Conducir Ofrecer Parecer
Yo conozco Yo conduzco Yo ofrezco Yo parezco
Tú conocer Tu conduces Tú ofreces Tú pareces
Él conoce Él conduce Él ofrece Él parece
Nos conocemos Nos conducimos Nos ofrecemos Nos parecemos
Ellos conocen Ellos conducen Ellos ofrecen Ellos parecen

Stem changing verbs

First class

The following verbs change the stem of the infinitive e to ie i all forms except Nosotros.

Infinitive Pensar       (to think) Cerrar           (to close)             Comenzar         (to start) Perder        (to lose)
Yo Piens-o Cierr-o Comienz-o Pierd-o
Piens-as Cierr-as Comienz-as Pierd-es
él/ ella Piens-a Cierr-a Comienz-a Pierd-e
nosotros Pens-amos Cerr-amos Comenz-amos Perdem-os
ellos Piens-an Cierr-an Comienz-an Pierd-en

Stem changing verbs- First class e < ie

  • Atender: to help, assist
  • Comenzar: to start
  • Convertir: to convert
  • Defender: to defend
  • despertarse: to wake up
  • divertirse: to enjoy
  • empezar. to start
  • entender: to understand
  • mentir: to lie
  • preferir: to prefer
  • querer: to want
  • sentar: to seat
  • sentarse: to sit down
  • Sentirse: to feel, be
  • Sugerir: to suggest

Second class o-ue

The following verbs change the stem of the infinitive o to ue in all forms except nosotros and vosotros.

  • Acordar: to remember
  • Almorzar: to lunch
  • contar: to tell, count
  • probar: to prove
  • mostrar: to show
  • encontrar: to meet, find
  • costar: to cost
  • volver: to return
  • poder: to be able
  • mover: to move
  • envolver: to wrap
  • devolver: to return, give back
  • recordar: to remember
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